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Solar Power Systems

In an age of fast depleting resources, it has become crucial to assess alternative sources of energy. For thousands of years now, since the beginning of time, man has been making use of the energy from the sun. For various purposes like growing fruit trees, vegetables and for domestic purposes. The use of solar power systems has become a popular choice among homeowners in South Africa.

How Do Solar Power Systems Work?

Heat and light – these are the two forms in which the earth receives the sun’s energy. Both these forms of energy can be harvested and use by means of solar power systems. What are these systems made out of? The solar power systems are basically made out of four components.

  • Solar Panels
  • Batteries Packs
  • Inverter Systems
  • Charge Controllers

What are the components?

Solar Panel – An assorted number of photovoltaic cells assembled together. Each cell designed in such a manner so as to build a basic crux of a “solar panel”. These solar panels have to be installed in such a manner so that they are exposed to sunlight to the maximal amount.

solar panels south africa

Solar Power Inverter – The next component of the solar power systems is the “solar power inverter”, which when connected to the photovoltaic cells can work in collaboration with transformers and keep the frequency and voltage of any circuit in check. It is also used for conversion of direct current into alternating current. Electronic equipment which requires quality waveform with the least harmonic distortion, function efficiently on pure sine wave inverters.

Solar Power Battery – The energy of the sun as a substitute for other sources of energy is a commendable concept. But what happens at nightfall when there is no sun to utilise the suns energy from? It is here that the “solar power battery” comes into play. The “solar power battery” is another important component of solar power systems. Which is utilised for storing the energy and power derived from the sun. So that it can be utilised at night time or cloudy days. Common battery types are the lead acid batteries and lead based batteries.

Charge Controller – The fourth component of the solar power system is the “charge controller”. So, what does it do? The ‘charge controller” invigilates the “battery bank” of the “solar power battery” and bars it from overcharging along with cutting down the current in case the voltage escalates.

The Pro’s Of Solar Power Systems in South Africa

There has been a great advancement in the field of science and technology. Solar power system prices are coming within the reach of the common homeowner in South Africa. There are a number of benefits to using solar power systems over the conventional modes of electricity.

  • For one, the energy coming out of the sunlight is clean. No smoke, no pollution, no depletion of other natural resources, such as fossil fuels.
  • The abundance of sunlight guarantees that there never will be a case of shortage or depletion as with other resources.
  • Once installed, the solar power systems run on minimum maintenance and are also economically satisfying.

The price of solar power systems is fast becoming the answer to all the resource depletion and energy problems. Its eco-friendliness and abundance are the two key features that most highlight it as an alternative source of power in South Africa.

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